Happy new years eve !! Idk what I'm doing lol, only going to stay up by accident if I hyperfixate on something. Or actually get around to doing a last-minute new years spell. Hope everyone has a better 2025 than 2024 was...or at least as good as it can be with everything. You're amazing and survived a whole other year !! Be proud and take a break £
Good luck (⌒▽⌒)/ ☆゚*・。*・

Hope you all had a good christmas if you celebrated! I am now sick. Luckily it seems the worse has passed, I can breathe and talk (kinda) so hoping it'll be done with by the time term starts.
Got some fun new presents, including some new platforms and gay shit lol. Also planning a oneshot with the housemates, it's a new system so will be learning it in the meantime. Seems rather cyberpunk, very different to most of my previous experiences, so looking foreward to it. Accidentally came out to family but it went well. They already knew I'm NB but not the name change. This isn't the extended family though- the grandparents are defo not great about trans stuff, and their children don't put much effort into correcting them...wooooo...
But yeah, will be heading back to uni at some point so will be surrounded by my fellow queers soon. Already got the next pride club night sorted!

That coursework is now submitted so I don't have to think about it anymore. I am way too tired rn, if you see weird shit happening on the site it's me trying to be Fancy With Code (and probably failing). Really don't want to redo CSS but it looks like that may be necessary...This is my punishment for spaghetti code.
Not much else going on rn; need to do a blood test at some point (chronic illness stuff woooo), hope to bake at some point, also I made a paper mache whale shark that needs painting at some point. Don't ask why, I just got possessed for an afternoon and it happened. Also also slight pronoun update, you can see my card by clicking the sleepy Zee on my about page. Happy holibobs folks x

I am now home, and the cats are already sick of me. They've clearly not been cuddled as much since I've been at uni lol, though I am getting a lot of nuzzles. Also the gay society is planning a trip to a cat cafe !! I am going to be so insufferble. In other news, I've paid my deposit and discussed the current rent situation with the parentals- it really looks like a good deal. Lets hope the house isn't infested with black mold or smth...
I've finished my first coursework, though am a little over the word limit. There's some weird thing about percentages?? Like 10% over won't be penalised but over that will- emailed the teacher just in case I'm misunderstanding this. Also to bribe him with cat photos. Had a lot of fun writing the report, it was pretty simple to do but the research scratched my autistic brain. Though it also gave me an oppertunity to scream about MFA, which seems to be one of my favourite activities since it comes up so often.
In other news, the first batch of mince pies in this christmas season has been baked! Had a bit of a moment about the pastery cause I decided to decorate at the same time...it's ok though, nothing's been burnt down. Also my dad bought some lovely pink baubles with various phrases on them- fuck off, bollocks, thunder cunt, you get the picture. We're trying to subtly put them up without mum noticing. She doesn't want the child who'll be coming to our house (niece) seeing them. Anyway, been having a good break from uni, and the winter blues (standard depressive episode triggered by christmas stress) hasn't come for me yet. Hope you're well, hope Starmer gets fucking got, hope the cats don't try to eat more tinsel xx

Reached the end of term!! I can go home to my cats now!!! I am so tired after this term, and I've got a lot to catch up on- both work and fun stuff lol. There's a family get together in a couple days, but it seems my parents will not only allow me to skip it but cover for me. ALSO, seems the housemates thing is really going foreward- I'm in a groupchat with them and the landlord, I'm sending documents, it's happeningggg!! Am v proud of myself, really feeling like a Responsible Adult (in a good way).
Had to miss the autistic soc's dinner and it seems it'll be the same for the trans soc screening. Weather's been bad, plus am literally in the middle of an event rn and I know I'm too tired to stay up for 4 more hours. Gonna have a pizza and pass out x

Happy December folks! Hope you can have a nice break and not have coursework like me. I'm so thankful I get extensions for disability cause I know my dopamine deficient brain is not going to concentrate for a moment when I'm home. Also my dad texted me a couple days ago saying he bought me a special advent calender...no idea what it is lol, options from my childhood ranged from lego to escaoe rooms so. Could be a cyber thing, ik there's the advent of code- no, I'm not doing it, I'm bad at coding and it'll make me sad- and I've heard of GCSQ doing...something?? God I should know these things.
Anyway, am on my last few days of term now, so may update this site more when I've got way more free time. Or I may get distracted. Recently met up with a group looking for another person to rent a place with- bunch of queer maths students who play D&D- and it went surprisingly well considering my horrible social anxiety. Got invited to their groupchat so may really be considered (^///^) It's nice either way cause I can make some friends in my year who won't be leaving soon (I'm not gonna be ok when my 3rd year cyber parent finishes) who also could help me with my manditory maths module. Not been tested for dyscalculia buuuuut....(also why is that so hard to spell?) But anyway, potential new friends found, oppertunities for campaigns an oneshots aquired, Arcane forcibly put on the To Watch list. Things are looking good! Or at least ok! Really needed this tbh, had a very sudden drop in mood and increase in SI cause of PMDD (love it soooo much /s)
Other, smaller news- am attempting to get PrideSoc to be a little more politically active, simple things like zine craft nights and more movie showings. Slowly getting more patches and pins for one of my jackes, just ordered some lesbian ones that are based off/recreations of old pride pins from like...the 80s and such. That jacket gets a lot of compliments, it's nice- people especially love my Fuck Terfs patch, though that may be biased by me spending most of my time around other trans folk :P I have a small dinner for queer folks tonight and one for autistics tommorow, there's also a TransSoc film screening on Friday. It's a nice way to end off term, very relaxed.

Aaaaaaannd I've finally sober exec'd for a club night! Was quite the experience lol- we use glow bands a flagging for those who want to (handed out for free, obvs), and the amount of people who did not read the sign AT ALL...Like we made sure to point at it whenever anyone asked for a glowband; I know you shouldn't assume based off appearance, however as a good few of the guys I clocked as cishet asked to change their orange (lesbian), pink (trans) or blue (gay) band to something else immediately after leaving the club, presumably cause someone hit on them/asked them about it...Also also, I will kill the next person who asked for the straight or ally colour. It's a club night run by the queer society. For queer people. If you're not queer, fuck off £ People don't have to come out, yes, but in that situation all you need to do is...not ask for a band. As the officially elected (wooo!!!) Welfare Officer for the soc, I am doing all I can to make it a safe, welcoming environment- e.g. we don't post any photos of the club night with non-exec members, we have all sober execs wear specific glow bands and necklaces to stand out, and run a stand so people can ask for help or get free shit (safe sex stuff, period products, snacks)- but it's an environment made for queer people??? Like no, we're not doing anything for cishet folks, go to any other night, thanks. Can you tell I got pissed off by these people? Shout out to the butch who asked for a pink band, not realising it wasn't the lesbian one, and her girlfried who, while very shocked, was fully ready to be supportive. You made my night. And also both were very attractive.

Went to the rock society's club nigh and woke up with a sore neck. Who knew headbanging would lead to this lol. Also managed to (mostly) avoid the moshers, but am still a little bruised. Was expecting this tho so am good. Also, there was this small group of guys there who clearly were new to the scene. Had the most judgemental looks and spent the night at the bar and never danced or anything?? Like ik people can enjoy things in different ways but idk why you're here at that point. Have some fun? Dance?? Or something???
Also finally found a jazz soc member! Still don't know what they're doing at any point but hey, I have other people I can talk to ig. FurSoc is really cool- went to a games night and had a lot of fun. They're convincing me to buy the ears I've been looking at for months and helped me name a new plush (Matcha the frog).

Hope you had a good Halloween! I was watching horror movies. The cold is kicking my ass rn, barely breathing half the time and even though I'm coughing so much nothing's coming up. Kinda defetes the whole purpose of it. I am so fucking glad it's reading week because I will not be able to work. I do have some stuff I need to get done- ie the entire topic I've been avoiding because the 2nd lecturer sent me into a meltdown and I can't go near him without triggering a panic attack. However, it does require me having a conversation with him so I'm probably gonna continue to procrastinate that...It's not like I'm not trying to do the work- I am- I just unfortunately cannot parse the lab materials. I swear, for computing experts these people really don't know how to write clear instructions. So many steps and details are missing. I'd get it if it was to encourage us to research on our own, but considering the reactions I've received so far upon asking for clarification, I think they may just be shitty teachers. Welp.
Luckily I do have some things to look foreward to. The fetish society is doing a Rocky Horror screening soon, and they have a munch at one of the nearby pubs. QueerSoc is also doing another club night- last one was a real success so am looking foreward to this! May be on the welfare stand (sober, obvs) this time around- do need to do it at some point- but I also recently got some clothing I really wanna wear out and there's literally no other club night where I feel safe enough to wear it. I can wait, I'm just impatient and desperate to look good in front of the mascs...they're so handsome and I'm too scared to approach them myself.

First official event as the Pride Society's (temp) Welfare Officer!!!! It was a chill coffee/tea meetup with a lot of biscuits lol. And fruit, cause we promote healthy eating obvs. But yeah, a lot of fun, very calm intro to the role. Have been warned by one of the older exec that I'll have to deal with Events tm if I take on the role proper in the next election, however we have the Ban Hammer for a reason. I've attended a couple of the meetings so am slowly getting to know the others- they're all really cool folk. Theres a clothing swap later this week, and we're currently planning stuff for trans awareness week- including chalking, banner making and a visit to a nearby vigil.
Unfortunately, I'm starting to fall victim to a cold so will be spending the evening chugging cold medicine. At least reading week is coming up ig.

Trip was really fun. Was basically stuck to the welfare officer's side, but she was really cool and we got on well. I don't want to think about the money I spent- I know my impulse control is terrible, especially around books and plushies. Need to add to my to read list now, lol.
Unfortunately, chronic pain exists and I am now suffering the consequences of having fun. Also, I've run out of kinesthetic tape so I've basically not been able to leave bed. It's getting better though, so I should be back to normal soon.

I have to get better at meal plans cause I have had the exact same shit for weeks now, but cooking is hard and I'm tired. Going to attempt vegitable soup at some point cause it'll be an easy way to eat healthy food. Yout can freeze soup right?? Idk why you shouldn't be able to...Getting cabbage may be hard tho, I don't want to buy a whole one cause even if I'm making multiple portions that's too much for one person. The freezer space is abysmal here so I have to be strategic. Thought I'd be making more stir frys but I can't find the specific sauce I use for them. It's a shame cause they're both delicious and nutritious, and i want to make the little Senshi I've had in my head since watching Dungeon Menshi proud.
Currently planning a trip with the anime & manga soc at uni- we're going to a nearby city for shopping + lunch. Am exited for it, but nervous cause we're travelling by train. I famously hate public transport, but am gonna meet up with one of the execs to chat about disability stuff so they can keep it accessible.
In other news, I am currently trying to talk myself out of cosplay cause I don't have the money for it rn. Unfortunately, I keep finding dresses perfect for a Dulcinea Septimus cosplay, and the shared brown curly hair + disabled hot girl shit really isn't helping. But maybe if I find a more affordable option it'll be ok??? Feel like that goes against the whole 'not spending money on cosplay' thing tho. Idk- so long as no Gideon cosplayers appear, I think I can hold myself back.

Guess I found something to put here lol.
Finally, this website is getting somewhere! Only took a few all-nighters and missing meals (accidentally !! please don't do it, eating is important y'all) but I'm proud of what I've created :]