Traits and Characteristics

  • Alignment: Chaotic Good
  • Ideals:
  • Flaws: Is an introvert with severe anxiety. Spends way too much time online (never touched grass). Keeps dissociating in lectures (bad wizard!)

A simultaneously exhausted and hyper uni student studying cyber security (do not ask for advice/generally expect them to know anything, they don't pay attention to their professors).

Zee uses they/he pronouns and is a non-binary lesbian. They are autistic, depressed and suffer from mysterious, undiagnosed chronic illness the NHS is desperately trying to ignore, along with his complex mental illness that cannot be cured with CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, you pervert). But even still, he's getting by.

Zee found neocities via a random tumblr post and, having nothing better to do, decided to have a crack at this whole 'making a website' thing. This accidentally started a new hyperfixation, and now they are learning html. The lovely (?) website in front of you is the result of many a late night spent coding, several google rabbit holes, and a heavy distaste for how pretty much all social media is like these days.


Strength 8
Dexterity 11
Constitution 9
Intelligence 17
Wisdom 16
Charisma 13